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emojidex-web examples
emojidexReplace :kissing_heart:
Auto Replace examples.
(Check the
UTF moji codes to emoji:
Acknowledged ZWJ emoji:
:code: to emoji:
❤:octopus::boar:: boar::frog:\:hand_salute: no_match:😄::no match::heart eyes(wh)::1234:
R-18 checks (should not load when not logged in)
emoji with link enabled
emojidexAutocomplete :laughing:
:right wing:Plain Text:left wing:
Try typing a colon and the start of a word to start a code search, like ":tes".
:86 taillight(left):Content Editable:86 taillight(right):
Try typing a colon and the start of a word to start a code search, like ":tes".
emojidexPalette :blush:
add palette to element. (ex: button)
Open emoji palette
add palette button to the right-top of input.
HOW TO: use emojidex web on your site :movie_camera:
README :robot face: